Women Construct Wales – Charlotte’s story

Charlotte became involved in the Women Construct Wales (WCW) project after moving to the area, following her departure from an abusive relationship. She had little confidence and felt she was not the best version of herself.

During the project, Charlotte developed strong relationships with the tutors and fellow participants. Her self-esteem improved significantly and Charlotte began to show us her confident side (with a brilliant sense of humour to go with it).

With her strong support network in place, Charlotte gained the motivation to take those important steps and started planning to move forward with her life.

By the end of her journey on Women Construct Wales, Charlotte achieved 2 qualifications and secured part-time work at a local coffee shop.

Before she left us, Charlotte happily agreed to a short Q&A session about her time on the project:

 Q:How did you feel when you first joined the project?

When I first got asked if I would like to join this project I was apprehensive, and probably not the best version of myself. I wasn’t sure whether it was going to be for me, but I thought I’d give it a go.  I quickly learned that I’m actually more of a practical person, and this project worked perfectly for me.

I previously had  to relocate from Somerset to Wales due to a domestic abuse. My self-esteem was not great even after a few years had passed. This needed working on so what was there to lose?

Since getting my feet through the door of the project, I feel like I have grown as a person, in my self-esteem and motivation.

I still have my bad days but the good days out weigh this now.

Q: Was there anything about the project that surprised you?

I did not really know what to expect to be honest. But I was pleasantly surprised at how much I grew in confidence so quickly.

Q: What’s next for you once the project has finished?

I’m growing  each day and will continue to do so. I have caring responsibilities at home and that, on times, is very draining. So I want to continue to grow going forward  and stop looking back.

Q:Do you think WCW could benefit other women, and if so, how?

I think this is a great project. Especially for woman with a similar background to me as honestly it will help in many more ways than one. Just take that first step.

The tutors are very understanding, so if you’re having a bad day that’s OK. They are worth their weight in gold.

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